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Trackvertising-Shakira Shines-Yogurt Beats Sneakers

Yogurt Beats Sneakers

Is it possible even that yogurt can beat sneakers?? Means it sounds crazy, but yes it did happen during world cup 2014.The World has the highest number of Soccer fans than any other sports fan, according to Google Data- Maximum  views on sports videos on Youtube was of soccer videos. Thus world cup presented a huge set of the target audience with similar interest which was a boon for companies which were already in sports Industry.Below data will give little more insight about the fact but this data will also talk about an anomaly, have a look...

Before and After Soccer World Cup 2014
 Before 2014 Nike was the star but this changed with just one campaign which was perfectly timed to be launched. Now it seems to be an anomaly that Yogurt brand beats Sports brand during Soccer world cup and I am sure this sounds insane but yes this did happen and data also shows the same.So the question that pulls and pushes our mind is HOW?? so now let's go to HOW part

Danone's Activia brand linked up with Shakira to create a music video around the soccer world cup 2014.The campaign was focused on World Food Programme's(WFP) school meals initiative.

Shakira is a very famous name attached to soccer world cups, her 2010 official anthem, WAKA WAKA was a global hit but for 2014 she was to perform in the closing ceremony and not in the opening ceremony. This was seen as an opportunity by Activia. This Colombian singer partnered with Activia for a music video which also included football stars like Neymar, Lionel Messi, Cesc Fabregas, Sergio Aguero and Gerard Pique. 

Activia created the music video and knew that soccer fans will surely consider this music video as the official anthem of 2014 soccer world cup as it has SHAKIRA in it and other soccer stars as well. When the video was released, it took all over internet and strategy of Activia worked.This music video was most viewed and shared on the internet and gave the world of advertising a new term and way of Advertising known as TRACKVERTISING.

Music videos are most shared videos on the internet. Trackvertising is the type of advertising in which musical videos are used to advertise or convey the message and the above campaign did this to its best.

So let's enjoy La La La La.....have a look on trackvertising video...


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