5 Must See Ads With Fantastic Design Usability It's always been Concept and Content which wins hearts and also results in driving Sales.A Great ad is built keeping in mind the Target Audience,Location and Language in which its made.In the present scenario we neither live in an Online World nor we live in an Offline World ,we live in a NONLINE world,which means that there is no perfect pattern for the consumer behaviour.They look ads online then might check products in store and then again go online compare prices with few website and finally might buy offline. So lets look at few really creative ads with rock solid concepts and designs. 1. FOLD USED FOR DEPICTING CRUNCHES Addida s being a premier sports brand depicts its sportiness through this ad wherein the f old of magazine is used to depict crunches. Addidas Ads 2. NUTELLA's B RANDING AD When any brand wants its consumers to have its name in TOP of MIND AWARENESS of its consumer...
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