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“Success in sales is the result of discipline, dedication and sacrifice”

“Peeepeeep Pepeeep piipeeeeep” an awkward sound for adults, few love it but very attractive for kids. Every kid wants to have puppets or toys to play with and if toy or puppet produces sound they get icing over the cake. Roaming in Connaught place of Delhi always brings in mixed feeling, sometimes mouth watering feelings because of fast food shops and recall of dishes, sometimes dreadful habit of shopping arises. But this time when I went to Connaught place and when I saw this “I just wanted to bow n respect”.

A person wearing neat and well ironed white full sleeved shirt which was well tucked into his trousers. He used a stick to support himself; he was a man of around 75 years of age and had a puppet glove in his hand which made sound like “Peeepeeep Pepeeep piipeeeeep”.

To all those who fear sales job, here’s your motivation. The person described above is Mr.Sahay.He comes daily from Rohtak via train using his train pass and carries his heavy water bottle which becomes really difficult for person of his age to hold.
He had a son who was chartered accountant and as every father does, Mr. Sahay spent all his earnings and savings for his son’s career. His son left for Bahrain without informing him and after few days he was informed that his sons died in an accident. There was no one who could have now earned for family. But Mr. Sahay overlooking his age and health marched forward to provide living to his family which is his wife, his daughter and her children’s.
Mr. Sahay is a retired bank manager. Buy his puppets and meet this legend at F block, Inner Circle, Connaught Place.



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